What is Planet Youth Nipissing?
Planet Youth Nipissing is a community-based initiative to address the root causes of early substance use. Using the Planet Youth approach, communities along the shores of Lake Nipissing will gain valuable insights into the health and wellbeing of young people, implement effective solutions, and track changes over time.
The Planet Youth process relies on the collaboration of many partners. It enables those who can impact the lives of youth – parents, educators, recreation leaders and more – to work together to create a supportive and caring environment. Building a strong community around youth is the healthiest and most cost-effective way to promote their well-being in the future.
Planet Youth Nipissing began in Spring 2024 with a survey of grade 10 students. We are taking what we’ve learned from youth and working on next steps to share the findings with communities and take action in the areas needed!

The Planet Youth Process
Planet Youth helps communities identify current youth issues using local data, and work together to address them.

1. Collect Data
Youth complete surveys to share their experiences on key topics. Reports are created to present survey results on the local situation, highlighting risk and protective factors (the things that make it more or less likely for someone to use substances or experience a health outcome).2. Set Goals
Next, community members (including youth) and local organizations come together to create a local action plan based on the survey results and community feedback.3. Take Action
The plan is then put to action! Prevention activities involve multiple sectors focusing on strengthening protective factors and reducing risk factors within the four environments where children and teens spend the most time: with family, friends, at school and free time.4. Reflect and Repeat
The community takes time to reflect on the process and improve for the next round. This process is repeated every two years.How did it originate?
In the 1990s, Iceland had some of the highest rates of substance use in all of Europe. They found that typical prevention approaches, focused on teaching students about the risks of drinking and drug use, were not working.
They turned to sociology and criminology research, which showed that youth are products of their environment. By addressing risk and protective factors in the environments children and youth are growing up in, you can improve outcomes and prevent substance use – without having to talk about substance use at all.
Iceland’s new approach emphasized the involvement of the whole community to create a network of support, monitoring and opportunities for positive youth development. Rates of youth substance use in Iceland are now among the lowest in the world.
Read more about the development of the Icelandic Prevention Model
5 Guiding Principles
Global Efforts
Planet Youth Nipissing is part of a global network of communities implementing the Planet Youth approach. Each community follows the 10 steps of the Icelandic Prevention Model but uses its own local data and community voice to decide what needs to be done. We can share with and learn from these communities!
See what’s going on in: Lanark County | Timiskaming District | Timmins | Calgary | New Brunswick | Kentucky | Vermont | Idaho | Ireland
Local Vision
Youth growing up in our communities experience wellbeing, sense of belonging and purpose through caring relationships, quality programs, meaningful leadership opportunities, skill development and self-expression.