The long-term goal of Planet Youth Nipissing is to see reductions in rates of substance use and other related behaviours, and improvements to overall youth well-being. Issues and behaviours that we see on the surface tend to be symptoms of deeper and more complex root causes. By finding out what the root causes are, and working as a community to address these, we hope to see change in a positive direction.

Since the 1990’s, data and research have been compiled by the Icelandic Center for Social Research and Analysis. The research confirms positive community responses to lowering risk factors and strengthening protective factors. A library of papers published in peer reviewed journals is available at

In 2023, the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit hosted a learning event for community organizations to hear from Planet Youth representatives. Attendees looked at local data on youth substance use, which showed our area was higher than the provincial average in several areas. But the data we had was out of date – we were missing local, recent data to know how youth are doing in multiple areas of wellbeing. After the learning event, there was widespread interest among partners to form a coalition and implement the Planet Youth approach get fresh, local data, and use it to make positive change in our communities. Check out the 2024 Planet Youth survey results here!

We will not be copying the exact actions that Iceland took to address their community priorities. Instead, we will be using the evidence-based process they developed, including a validated survey and planning cycle. This will help us know what our local concerns are, where they may stem from, and what our strengths are. It will be up to us to identify and implement locally relevant solutions based on that information.

The survey is the main tool that will help us understand what life is like for teens in our communities. Starting in Spring 2024, the survey will be offered every two years to grade 10 students (and grades 9 and 11 at some schools) in North Bay and West Nipissing.

The survey asks questions about substance use and wellbeing, as well as risk and protective factors related to family, peers, school, leisure time, and the community. 

Surveys are conducted during class time using an anonymous, voluntary online questionnaire. Survey data is analyzed by our partners at Planet Youth in Iceland and results are shared widely with the goal of providing communities with the information needed to develop interventions based on local data.

Planet Youth Nipissing is coordinated by the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit, and led by a Steering Committee of community agencies that work with youth or impact their environments. Visit our main page to see the list of community partners that form our Steering Committee.

Each participating community also has a Community Action Team. Anyone can join these teams and contribute to localized plans to address risk and protective factors for youth! Find out how to get involved.

Listening to youth voice and experience is critical to the success of this project. Beyond the youth survey, ongoing youth engagement will help to inform our local action plans. 

Do you work with a youth group who may want to have their voices heard? Contact us to set up a youth engagement session or to discuss ongoing involvement in the project.

Are you a young person looking to get involved? Contact us to learn about current opportunities and how we can compensate you for your time and expertise!

The actions very much depend on what the community would like to make happen. Actions can vary and may include policy change, new programming, adjustments to current programming or youth spaces, raising awareness and shifting social norms, or changes to the way community members interact with and support youth. Each sector or partner has the opportunity to make changes within their sphere of influence.  Impacts will be tracked over time with the Planet Youth survey taking place every two years.

Substance use prevention is a long-term investment. Although some prevention efforts can have positive effects in the short-term, the most impactful results will occur over time, making progress toward the goal of a healthier future for our young people and society in the long-term.

  • Become informed – learn about the Icelandic Prevention Model, the local Planet Youth survey results, and how to support youth
  • Talk to your mayor and councillors
  • Talk to your friends – spread the word
  • Ask questions – Contact us
  • Join the Community Action Team for your area! Contact us to learn more.